Monday, September 1, 2014

Measuring Area in Maths

Today we started learning about a new attribute to measure. It was called 'area'.

First we thought about other things we have measured this year like length and weight. We talked with our partners about using counters and sticks to measure, comparing our desk lengths and using scales to compare and measure.

Then we though about other things we might measure around us. We discovered that we could measure the outside of a circle (thanks Bridie and Alexis) and that it's called the 'perimeter'. We also thought we could measure across the circle, and that it's called the 'width'.

Then we looked at areas we know like a desk, rugby field and a pool and how we could measure or describe them.

Finally we worked at two stations.

The first was a challenge to make the 'snake' with the largest area using play dough. It was cool fun. Jahdae had the best way to make his play dough flat!!

The next challenge was too see how much space our body 'takes up', and to 'fill the space' with whiteboards or paper to measure it. These were the results:

We discovered that is we made our arms and legs wide we made up more space and had a greater area!!

What things could you find the area of around your home? Maybe your bed? The tv? The table/coffee table? . . . I think I see a Homework Challenge coming from this idea!!!

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