Saturday, August 23, 2014

Our "Mathmagicians" in action

Recently I have been blown away by the giant steps that our learners have been making in maths.

We have learners who now know numbers to 1,000 and beyond!! They can add numbers to 100 or use place value to add Hundreds, Tens and Ones!!

On Monday we had two students shine. They were Holly and Emma. They saw a new kind of problem and a strategy to solve these problems for the first time, and in only 2 minutes they could come up to the Interactive whiteboard and do it on their own!!!

Amazing work Holly and Emma. You are both 'risk takers' and 'mathmagicians'.

Here is Emma solving 54 + 19. How would you solve it??

Well... Emma 'borrowed' 1 from the 54 and made the 19 into 20. Then the problem was 53 + 20 which she could then solve by simply adding 50 + 20 + 3 to get 73.

Here is Holly solving 42 + 19. Again how would you solve it??

Holly also used the 'borrow and compensate' strategy to change the problem to 41 + 20, then it was easy!! Just add 40 + 20 + 1 to get 61!!!

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